Albatros Productions WSWW05 Building the Wingnut Wings Sopwith ( F.1/2F.1) Camels & LVG C.VI by R.Rimmel (Windsock WWI Modelling Special 5)

Building the Wingnut Wings Sopwith ( F.1/2F.1) Camels & LVG C.VI by R.Rimmel  (Windsock WWI Modelling Special 5) - Image 1
Kod produktu: LBT-WSWW05
Aktualna dostępność: dostępny!
177.99zł lub 31100 pkt.

Zawiera 23% vat
przy wysyłce do kraju: Polska
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Informacje podstawowe

Kod produktuLBT-WSWW05
Waga0.21 kg
Dodano do katalogu:26.1.2024
TagiSopwith-Camel LVG-C.VI
ProducentAlbatros Productions
Albatros Productions
Podmiot odpowiedzialnyPJB Hobby Sp. z o.o. Kozmice Wielkie 781 32-020 Wieliczka Polska

Fifth title in the evergreen series with detailed build logs for Sopwith F.1 and 2F.1 Camel kits plus bonus material on the LVG CVI. Hundreds of colour profiles,detailed assembly and painting notes,Ronny Bar profiles and much more!

ONE of our most popular titles in the WNW build series,this lavish Special is chock- full of modelling prowess and reference data on this classic WWI British fighter. Superbly detailed and illustrated build logs are provided for the F.1 Camel and 2F.I Naval version-this in the markings of Stuart Culley's famous machine in which he shot down L53, the last German Zeppelin to fall in combat in WWI. Photos of the genuine IWM exhibit are provided along with rare images of its most recent restoration. In addition, Ray Rimell takes another look at the WNW LVG C.VI totally upgrading his original 2009 Windsock review model with after market parts, new decals and new rigging. Great colour close ups of a restored LVG in France add icing to the cake. With ail new Ronny Bar profiles and a revealing colour centre spread this is the ideal source for any serious Camel modeller!

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Informacje podstawowe

ProducentAlbatros Productions
Albatros Productions
Podmiot odpowiedzialnyPJB Hobby Sp. z o.o. Kozmice Wielkie 781 32-020 Wieliczka Polska

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Dodano do katalogu: 26.1.2024
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