HMH-Publications DH-028 Northrop F-5 Freedom Fighter & Tiger II - Aircraft in Detail 028

Northrop F-5 Freedom Fighter & Tiger II - Aircraft in Detail 028 - Image 1
Producent: HMH-Publications
Kod produktu: HMH-DH-028
Aktualna dostępność: dostępny!
143.99zł lub 25200 pkt.

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przy wysyłce do kraju: Polska
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Informacje podstawowe

Kod produktuHMH-DH-028
Waga0.65 kg
Dodano do katalogu:19.12.2023
Podmiot odpowiedzialny

Northrop F-5 Freedom Fighter & Tiger II DH-028 is a 140 page book on the Northrop F-5, a jet that has been active for 6 (!) decades. With over 320 photos, this is a complete portrait of both the Tiger II and Freedom Fighter

​The Northrop F-5 is a compact and highly agile fighter jet that was developped some 60 years ago. The quality of the aircraft is demonstrated by the fact that 6 decades later, it is still in active service in many air forces. The first 100 pages of this book are devoted to the F-5E/F/N Tiger II, which was developped from the F-5A/B Freedom Fighter. This earlier type of the aircraft is covered in the last 40 pages of the book.

​Action and close-up! This book includes both the single seat F-5E/N and the two-seat F-5F. The photos were taken from jets of the US Navy and US Marines, but also jets of Switzerland, Brazil, Mexico, Austria, Taiwan and other countries are included.

​The cockpit of each type is shown in this book, as well as the two types of ejection seats that are used in the jet. Front and back seat, upgraded and standard. A huge chapter on the Spanish F-5BM is included.

​Nothing is overlooked: fuselage, wings, landing gear, speed brakes, vertical tail, stabilisors, canopy, engine exhausts, ... As usual, the book includes maintenance photos, but this time in 2 different chapters! Action on the ground and in the air of the colourful jets show the dynamic performance to good effect !

​Over 320 photos in 140 pages !

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Dodano do katalogu: 19.12.2023
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